Jane Hammond and Maggie MacDougall trained as Volunteer Walk leaders in June 2024 in order to provide 'Wednesday Walks in Weston Park' throughout the month of July. 

These gentle walks in a glorious setting proved extremely popular 

Weston park 1 Weston Park July 2024 2



Sheffield is built on hills and not all walks can accommodate schooters and wheelchairs but we do our best. On Tuesday 16th April 2024 two scooter users were able to join walks in Dore and in Abbeyfield Park, Pitsmoor.

Wheels walk               Cherry blossom in April


On 11th December 2023 Bolehills Park walkers were able to use the pavilion in the park for the first time for refreshments after their walk.

This is now a regular feature of their walk. 



In September and October 2023 Gwen Craddock, a 5th year medical student, spent her community placement visiting walks to film shots for a promotional . We hope it gives a flavour of the fun we have whilst out walking - whatever the weather. Click on the link below and enjoy!



The Rose Garden cafe in Graves Park re-opened, partially, just before Christmas 2022. It is still surrounded by metal barriers and is heavily propped inside. A consultation exercise is now taking place to establish what the pubic want this facility to be like in future. [posted April 2024]

Graves Park Cafe closed Aug 2022