Meet: Tuesday afternoons in the Handsworth Methodist church on Handsworth Road  (S13 9BZ) in time to start walking at 1.30.

Day: Tuesdays 

Time: 1.20 in time to start walking at 1.30pm

Meet: In the upstairs meeting room of Handsworth Methodist Church, 289aHandsworth Road  S13 9BN.  The methodist church is on the left hand side of Handsworth Road just beyond the Post Office as you head out of town. On the opposite side of the road is a Lloyds pharmacy.  Go up the steps and into the church via the front entrance. The meetingroom is at the back of the church.  


Uneven ground 
Some inclines 
May be muddy 
Refreshments available 
Rest stop available 
Public transport accessible 
Car parking nearby     




Handsworth Methodist church 2 Aug 2022Handsworth meeting point with walkers Aug 2022Handswoth methodist church socialising Aug 2022

The first Handsworth walk was on 9th December 2003. Initially there were just 3 or 4 walkers each week. This number rose to between 65 and 70 walkers each week immediately before the 2020 lockdown. Since we've gone back to walking aftyer Covid we have approximately 50 names on the register and roughly 30 walkers each week.

We have three groups, the striders, the strollers and the 'amblers'. Although they do the shortest walk the amblers are not always back first, as one of that group likes looking at plants and identifying birds by their birdsong. Our oldest walker is one of Sheffield's 'women of steel'. She recently celebrated her 100th Birthday and although she no longer walks with us, she does sometimes join us after the walk for a cuppa and a catch-up with her walking friends.

After our walk we return to the Methodist Church Hall for tea/coffee and biscuits or, if we are celebrating a special birthday, cake! 

A great many friendships have been formed over the years, there has also been a little bit of romance and we’ve even had a wedding!

Each year we have three or four or coach trips. The walkers always look forward to these trips which are ideal for those who can't get away for holidays due to family commitments. So far this year trips have included a day out exploring Knaresborough and Harrogate, plus a trip to the seaside.

Handsworth May 2018 1 


Buses:   Numbers 73 and 74 via Richmond Road. Numbers 52, 52a and 74a via Handsworth Road.

Parking: Limited on-street parking nearby. 

Toilets:   There are toilet facilities in the church hall.